Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Reflecting on my Year of 30

Last year, I turned 30, I will be turning 31 in a little less than 2 weeks. I did a lot of things on my list, changed my mind about some, and took a complete 180 on others. I still like the idea of an annual bucket list, I think I should limit the number of things though to keep it more reasonable/achievable. I also started a bucket list - bigger things to work towards over a longer period.

My list was a bit too aggressive! I think a list of maybe 10 things, 10 reasonable things (affordably reasonable and calendar reasonable! I do like the idea of a bucket list for the year, but I also want to work on a life bucket list. All my budgeting is helping with that. This month will be my first real budget month, I'm excited and I hope I can stay that way!

I think for my Year of 31 my list will be as follows:

  1. Take my PPP exam again, and SPD and SD
  2. Build and take care of raised beds in front of my house
  3. Use a budget
  4. Focus on building up emergency fund (bonuses, gifts, side income => all goes to savings)
  5. Make as much homemade as I can (soaps, additional clothing, bread, meals, lunch, snacks, even desserts - gifts and start making items for my online business, no need to rush into that though - figure out some go-to recipes for bread, pizza, veggie dishes, stretching the grocery budget)
  6. Develop and exercise habit (I don't know what this will be yet, I bought a 15# kettlebell I like to pick up and do a couple random squats with but it would be good to get some kind of schedule going, even if it's just 50 KB swings a day, and a 15 minute walk with the puppy when I get home from work)
  7. Get kitchen organized (pots and pans, hooks for measuring cups, spice shelves, etc)
  8. Paint living room and kitchen (already have the paint! Just a matter of moving things around to get it done, and keeping the puppy away from wet paint.
  9. Spend more time with/talking to my family and friends, even if that means phone calls, texting and or letters. So many kinds of communication these days, I should really be taking advantage of them rather than feeling so far away from my friends!
  10. Have fun. Have way more fun! Do things that are fun (and affordable), make sure to have fun budgeted in, figure out what fun means exactly, because sometimes it's sitting here researching budgeting, or spending a whole night on Pintrest, or just watching a movie with the boy and the puppy, or sometimes it's spending a whole day making food
This was a first stab at writing up a Year of 31, I will probably need to edit a few things, but 10 items, even more general items are better than the 50+ items I had last year (where my actual income was barely a factor! Haha!)

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