Monday, January 21, 2013

MED: Minimum Effective Dose + Goals

I'm a Tim Ferris fan. I've read all 3 of his books (well, perused 4 hour work week because architecture doesn't fit into that online typology). He has repeated the idea of doing the minimum effort to get the desired results rather than the maximum amount of work to get the same results.

Less time? I like this concept. I think it doesn't just apply to medicine and work but you should be able to apply this concept to every aspect of your life depending on what you want. I've also been listening to Dave Ramsey a lot and getting these ideas of saving money and building wealth for my future. The latest thing I listened to talked about life being divided into different areas and if you don't give them all attention you'll have a 'flat tire' and it will be bumpy. Those areas are:


And the idea is that you have goals you are working on in these areas. Part of my redesigning of my life for the new year was in making a schedule (as well as finding ways to be held socially accountable for some things). My basic schedule looks like this:

1. Work
2. Gym
3. Work on project

1. Work
2. Boardgame night if I feel like it
3. Make food

1. Work
2. Gym
3. Work on Project

1. Work
2. Make food
3. Movie night!

1. Work
2. Gym
3. Work on Project/ Movie Night!

1. Do stuff

1. Do stuff

Pretty simple, gym 3 days a week (where I am working on a couch to 5k program I just started). I convinced my coworker to join as well so I can hitch a ride with him and we can keep each other on track for attendance. I am contemplating breaking out the bicycle, but when the ground is covered in frost... it's a hard sell! It will help me save money though, and get in even better shape (we live at the top of a hill!)

Lately it was the wedding quilt for my best friend but that is done! The next project is to study for my Architecture Registration Exam for which I haven't signed up yet, but I plan to soon (once I have the $210, so probably March). With a date set, there will be no excuses to not study! Luckily I have a very supportive boyfriend and I have lots of study materials at my fingertips (a bit of an investment a few months ago). So I was thinking about the MED for studying and exercise and enjoying my hobby of food and cooking and I will tweak my schedule if I find I'm not getting enough time for things in but for now this is working out pretty well. Another project is to rearrange my room and clean it up which I should accomplish this weekend to make room for studying as well as to relax my mind! There are saying about when your space is cluttered it is a reflection of your mind and I find this very true. I am much better about regularly cleaning my work desk though and not so much my home 'craft cave'.

I've been feeling kind of overwhelmed with finances lately though but hopefully I will be wrapping those up and having a budget will help me not stress about it. I have an emergency fund that is already making me feel better - but also already burning a hole in my pocket as I think about the upcoming expenses for my trip to New York!

Anyhow, MED and goals for those areas of life. Things to think about!

 - Architectural Registration Exam (7 exams @ $210 a piece, must budget and save for!)
 - My chocolate company, take online chocolate class (my treat to myself when I finish the architecture exams!)
 - Budget, make one (every month) and stick to it
 - Explore cheap food/ meals
 - Go to a UU service in town
 - Practice making chocolates (State of Flow!)
 - Complete the couch to 5k program
 - Practice Italian on duolingo
 - Read more books (rather than internet and magazines!)
 - Play more boardgames
 - Spend time with brother
 - Visit mom in Bend (perhaps in the Spring)
 - Host a dinner party (scheduled for March!)
 - Go to boardgame nights
 - Attend more meetups
 - Stay in town more weekends, work on making new friends!

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